Angels Listen- They Are Around Us and they are deliverers of Miracles! by: Peej
Long story short- October 2011 I bought a lil thrasher car. I was at the right place at the right time, and figured my son would need a car eventually so I bought it.
Present time- My son has taken zero steps towards getting a permit and the car has been sitting in driveway collecting dust. So last week I asked my son if he wanted the car. I had a feeling he didn't because he keeps talking about wanting a truck to haul his dirt bike so he could go dirt bike riding.
(A side-note: since October, two people have left notes on the car asking if I wanted to sell it)
Sooooooo I decided to call the one note I could find and the guy wanted to come see it the next day, which was Sat. I called my insurance at 4:45 pm on Friday and added liability just in case he wanted to take her for a spin. (he came and did not buy it booo)
Soooo like any other Monday morning, we hop in my car to take my son to school and Ol Betsy (my car) didn't want to start!!
I was shocked! I bought this car new- off the lot Sept 2001 and it has been a great dependable car.
I thought...oh good I have insurance on the other car (and said) THANK YOU ANGELS!! for the guidance to make that call and put the insurance on the thrasher car!
After I dropped my son I called my friend Scooter, (A friend that was definitely Angel-sent into my life) that has been fixing all of my cars for over twenty years and has always been there even if its just an ear to hear me talk about my life experiences.
I explained to him what my car was doing and he said it could be the starter, and that he couldn't come over until tomorrow night, late. I said okay!
Then I called the dealer and asked how much a starter was... they said TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY DOLLARS!!! just for the part!!!
The next day, I thinking what if it is the starter...I hope its the battery- I can't afford this- I prayed.
I remembered and thought maybe I should ask my neighbor, who is a mechanic, if he could listen to the noise it makes, when I attempt to start it.
Maybe he could determine what he thought the problem was. Sooooo I walked over, knocked on the door, which is always fun...ha! Not!
He was really nice and said he would take a look in a bit.
When he did come over- we attempted to start the car twenty-two times and the car would not start!! He said he didn't think it was the starter or the battery. He said that I needed a code tester.
I told him that Scooter always brings that and told him he'd be here in about an hour or two. I thanked him and waited for Scooter. When Scooter came my son greeted him at the door and walked outside, keys in hand and went to my broken Betsy.
About five minutes later- as I was walking out, they both came walking in. He said there is no code showing up - your car started right up!
I said REALLY!!! He said yep!
I said thank you! (thinking in my mind, thank you God, thank you Angels thank you thank you thank you!!!)
The next day we hopped in my car and it started right up. I was so happy I didn't have to pay hundreds of dollars to repair Ol Betsy!
Thank you Angels!
The story doesn't end there... so later that day I pick my son up from school- He gets in the car and doesn't say hello like normal. He gets in and very matter of fact says, "Mom- do you realize that your Angels have fixed your car two times?!!"
I laughed and said, "That's actually the third time my Angels fixed my car, my love!"
and explained to him that is why I always talk to my Angels!
I have said this a million times-
Trust in your Angels. Talk to your Angels.
We all have Angels that we were born with and we need to communicate with them because they will listen and they will help.
You ask and you shall receive. You don't ask and how can you receive?
Do you talk to your Angels?
Do you have any Angel stories to share?
I'd love to hear your amazing stories.