So here are my thoughts, started on January 1, 2014 wrapped up on January 20, 2014 with a pretty red bow lol.
I always say that our new years resolution should not only be about stopping something, because that's how I was raised, being taught a new years resolution was about stopping something that you did that wasn't favorable.
When I look up the definition it's about starting or stopping something as you see in the picture I have attached.
It says, Resolution: "A firm decision to do or not do something"
What I've noticed in my years, in general we as human, tend to focus on what we don't have opposed to what we do have, or on what we need to stop not what we need to do, continue to do to grow.
In my life, college and professional practices I see daily how the human mind works. I've learned that if we put more energy towards focusing on what we don't have or what we did not get out of something the more negativity grows in our mind body and soul. We feed of the negative plant. We see only negative. We think negative. We feel negative and we become negative. If we feel like we aren't getting something out of situations in our lives we will focus our energies on that negative feeling and overlook the positive.
We think negative, we feel negative so we start to attract negative because negative energy attracts negative energy. Right?
And then if we focus on the positive, what we have, and focus on the good things in a situation or person then we are in that positive state of feeling blessed, happy and in a positive frame of mind.
Which makes you see things that you have, which makes you feel good and blessed to have what you have.
Even if I put this energy towards a situation of when a child has learning difficulties. Most of the school's philosophy is to focus on the short comings of that child. And they put them in a class to help them in whatever they struggle with, the subject that they are having difficulty in. I personally disagree with this. I've been a tutor on and off since 2009 my son was tutored in 4th or 5th grade and he tutored for a few years and it really helped him. I'm not against getting help because it really helps them, but I have seen so many in the school systems focus on a child difficult struggling subjects in an attempt to try to balance them out. My opinion is they should encourage and focus on the subject that they're better in, especially if we are talking about a high schooler because then they can excel even higher and what they are good in and what subjects comes naturally to them. And try not be so focused on where they're struggling I mean if somebody is a horrible speller and they don't like to read like myself I'm not going to sit here and focus on trying to force myself to read when I hate reading I would rather listen to a book on audio or watch a movie and learn by the way that is easiest to me. I am NOT a reader and do I want to focus on trying to spell things correct no way would I do that? when there is a spell check on every computer, every phone, and every device in the world!
When you focus on something that's negative or something you're struggling with, you're in that irritated state of mind and you feel and you see yourself as a failure, especially with the little kids, they know when they can't read like everyone else in the first grade, so they feel stupid or less than. Okay maybe I'm being a little over dramatic or exaggerating a tad bit, but you get the idea.
I mean let's think about it in terms of manifestation what exactly is that? my definition of manifesting is visualizing and focusing on it, believing it can be, and feeling it. Imagine it, because if you can't imagine something, is it ever going to happen? I mean I could talk about that subject for another hour but I don't want to get off track so....
This year I would like you to focus on the good. Imagine it. Figure out something you're good at with the mindset that I'm going to do more of that, focusing on the good things or thoughts that you're going to add to your life. Maybe that's it- you're going to be more positive and focus on that gift of being able to see things in a positive light. Something you already do, but want to do more of.
Things that make you feel good.
This new year I am going to attempt to blog more and get those blogs online and also add more mediations on to YouTube to help bring more guidance and healing to more people.
Happy New Year!
Thank you for listening or reading. I am sending love and light,