Over the years I've been more and more in touch with the amazing Spiritual gifts that God has given me and every year I become more and more in touch with my Angels. I continuously amaze myself and clients I work with, but what I am most amazed with, is the way Angels appear in my day-to-day life or show me things daily! Certain numbers are always popping up everywhere I go. They are a way that they continuously showing themselves. Prior to opening up to a path as a Guidance Healer, for years and years I used to wake up at 2:22 almost every night. I didn't know what it meant and to be quite honest I realy just thought it was pure coincidence. About five or six years ago when I was much more in my spiritual path, which was more ever than I was in the previous years and I remember standing outside after attending a meditation class and saying to my friend at the time, that I kept seeing 333 everywhere. I see it every day and everywhere I go, its standing out at me. On licence plates on receipts. She said those are your Angels talking to you! That's when I learned of Doreen Virtue and her Angel numbers books. I was so curious...I was a sponge and I wanted to learn, learn and learn more! So I immediately went and bought one of her Angel Number Books. I learned what 222 and 333 meant and after a few weeks in ent from beside the bed to on the bookshelf with the rest of my book I need to read. Im much better with listening or watching. I really don't enjoy reading a good book, as they put it. But Doreen's Angel Number's book is more like a dictonary of numbers so it's a useful tool I am glad she wrote and shared with the world. She's pretty amazing. I had the pleasure of attending one of her presentations in San DIego at "I Can Do It!" in 2010, and then again about a year or so ago at another I can do it in San Jose. She's really amazing.
Okay so back to my Angel numbers... about three years ago I had the honor of doing healing work on a very ill premature baby in the hospital. I kept seeing 444. I'd pull up to the hospital and park my car and it'd be 4:44pm. I'd be doing energy work on the baby and I'd look at the monitor and there would be numbers on the monitor and there would be 444 showing. It would be one row 74 the next 44 and the next row 94 on the monitors.
And if you just focused on the numbers you could see the 444. The next day I'd be driving down the street and look at a house as I passed it and the address would be 444 or 8444. I remember another day standing outside my doctors office, mind you I've been there at least fifty times in the last ten years and what do I see? On the side of the buiding the address to the neighbor is 444! I had been there a million times and never ever noticed that 444. It was just happening way to many times to say that this was a coincidence. 444 was showing up everyehere, so of course, I remebered a few years back when I bought that ANgel Number's book so I pulled the book out and looked up what my Angels were trying to say. I shared the Angel numbers with the parents of the baby I was working with and after learning about them, they would always put "444" as the signature on their text message. Even after she was healed and released from the hospital they did this for the next year or so. Once in a blue moon I will get a text with 444 in it from the father to this day.
Angels are amazing and I always encourage people to build that relationship with them. Get to know them. Talk to them. I always say...If you ask then you'll receive. Plus I feel it's important to share my personal experience with my Angels and that's why I blog some things on here... but lets face it...life sometimes gets overwelming so I can't share all of my Angel stories...but I want to share this blurb that Doreen Virtue shares and encourage you to pay attention and build that relationship with your Angels and meditate so that you can quiet your mind, body and soul and be able to feel their vibrations. Thank you for listening I am sending you blessing love and light and praying for peace and happiness.
Doreen Virtue shares:
"You have guardian angels with you right now — continuously — guaranteed! Your angels guide you through your thoughts, feelings, words, and visions. They also show you signs—that is, things that you see repeatedly with your physical eyes. One of their favorite signs relates to number sequences. These are numerals that you repeatedly see on license plates, phone numbers, clocks, and so on.
If you’ve ever wondered about the significance of these number sequences, you’re not alone. Many people have asked us about their meaning during our angel workshops. So, we went to the Source and asked for guidance to interpret the meanings of repetitive number sequences. As a longtime student of Pythagorean sacred numerology (including a past life as his student) and also an angel channeler, I rapidly received information as to what the angels were conveying through these sequences.
My workshop audiences loved it when I discussed the significance of these groups of numbers, and asked if I would compile a list for them to refer to. So, my book, Healing with the Angels, included a chapter listing the meanings. After Healing with the Angels many people said that they carried the book with them as a reference tool for interpreting the numbers they saw. They asked for an even more comprehensive book that was pocket-size which has just been published under the title, Angel Numbers.
Number-sequence interpretation is an easy way to receive messages from your angels. Numerals are everywhere, from digital clocks to billboards to license plates. Each number has a unique vibrational frequency relating directly to its meaning.
This ancient wisdom harkens back to great teachers such as Hermes, Plato, and Pythagoras. Pythagoras said that everything in the Universe is mathematically precise, and each number has its own vibration, meaning, and virtue. Plato wrote everything in the Universe is built from basic geometrical shapes derived from numbers, such as triangles (from three) and cubes (from four). The sacred mystical Jewish text of the Zohar (Kabbalah) discusses the power of the vibrations from numbers and letters.
The angels also say that the placement of the numbers in a sequence holds special meaning. For example, when there are three or more numbers, the center digit is of primary focus. The angels say that this number represents the “heart” of the matter.
Numerology is one of the few sacred sciences that has kept its magic from ancient to modern times. The angels remind us that we’re all alchemists, and that we’re powerful enough to manifest our true desires through Divine magic. Numbers point out the importance of seeing Heavenly messages third-dimensionally in order to show us the lessons, the growth opportunities, and the guidance contained within each of our experiences.
Below is a sampling of some number sequences your angels may show to you. Ask for clarification if the numbers’ message is unclear by saying to them silently or aloud, “Please clearly explain so I’ll easily understand.” As with any divination tool, defer to your own inner wisdom as the ultimate authority. In other words, if in doubt, then trust your gut.
Three-digit Numbers111 – Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. The sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means that the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts…ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts.
123 — Simplify your life. Get rid of anything that’s pulling at your energy, time, or finances—especially anything that pulls you away from your life purpose. The ascended masters are helping you with this simplification.
222 — Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.
333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin and Yogananda.
444 — Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well.
555 — Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being “positive” or “negative” since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continuing seeing and feeling yourself to be at peace.
666 — Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between Heaven and Earth. Like the famous, “Sermon on the Mount” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will be met as a result.
777 — The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.
888 — A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition it means, The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them. In other words, don’t procrastinate in making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labor.
875 — The changes you’re making have put you on the right path for manifesting abundance in all ways.
999 — Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.
000 — A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s love within you. Also it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.
Four-digit NumbersTo interpret the meaning of four-digit numbers, break the number sequence into three digits and read that interpretation. Then, add the last digit’s interpretation to know the meaning of the entire sequence. For instance, to interpret 2048, begin with the first three digits: 204, and read its interpretation:
204 — God and the angels ask for your patience. Stay filled with faith that your prayers have been heard and are answered.
Then, read interpretation of the last of the four digits in 2048, which is 8:
8 — Know that financial abundance is coming to you now.
Put these two interpretations together and you have the meaning of 2048: God and the angels ask for your patience. Stay filled with faith that your prayers have been heard and are answered. Financial abundance is coming to you now.
Summarizing these combined interpretations, then, 2048 means: “Heaven assures you that your money needs will be supplied. Have patience.”
Five-digit NumbersYou can interpret five-digit numbers in a similar fashion. Just take the first three digits and read its meaning, then read the interpretation of the last two digits in the number sequence. Combine these meanings and then summarize them.
Here’s an example using the five-digit number sequence, 99900:
999 — Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.
And here is the meaning of the last two numbers:
00 — This means that the Creator is emphasizing a message to you and asks that you pay attention and follow the guidance without delay.
Next, add the meanings of the two together to find that 99900 means:
Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation. The Creator is emphasizing this message to you and asks that you pay attention and follow the guidance without delay.
In other words, God wants you to fully commit yourself to your life’s purpose…now!
Six-digit NumbersTo interpret the meaning of a six-digit number such as 225496, you’d break it into two or three-digit components. In this case, we’ll break it into 225 and 496. Then, read the interpretation for the first section, which is:
225 — Trust that this change is for the best. You are in a period of transition—letting go of the past and that which is no longer working. Let go and move forward with confidence and faith.
Then, you’d look up the meaning of the second three-digit segment:
496 — The angels ask you to make your Divine life mission your top priority right now. Don’t worry about how it will come about, or any other material aspect concerning your purpose. The angels help with everything.
Next, compile the meanings of each segment so that 225496 means:
Trust that this change is for the best. You’re in a period of transition—letting go of the past and that which is no longer working. Let go and move forward with confidence and faith. The angels ask you to make your Divine life mission your top priority right now. Don’t worry about how it will come about, or any other material aspect concerning your purpose. The angels help with everything.
This is a message, in summary, that says, “Have faith in the changes you’re experiencing. The angels ask you to focus on your Divine life mission, and they’ll supply all your material needs.”
You’ll love the continual conversations you’ll engage in with Spirit, with the help of the interpretations you’ll find in this article. Once you begin interpreting the number sequences, you’ll discover spiritual signs and messages everywhere you go. The more you learn about and notice number sequences, the more you’ll realize that Heaven is always with you—speaking with you, guiding you, and loving you. Have fun!
(Become a Certified Angel Card Reader™ with Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine! Find Out More Here)