There is a feeling and emotion that one puts out to the person receiving the apology.
When YOU realize that you have made a mistake or have done something to hurt someone another words you've done something you shouldn't have done, you say I'm sorry. Is that a reaction which is a set of words you learned to throw out when someone responds with pain or a negative emotion?
I'm sorry has to be a feeling and an emotion that you feel deep inside your heart. That feeling has to comes from your mind, body and soul. YOU say you're sorry because you feel their pain or your pain. It's packed with heartfelt energy.
When someone tells us we did something to hurt them we may say sorry- because its the right thing to do. I'm not saying that this is wrong I'm simply saying that if it isn't from your mind, body and soul and that emotion from inside that triggers those I'm sorry words. If not then it's most likely from your mind that logical side that tells you that you did something wrong and hurt that person so after that out comes these words. They are a learned reaction to an action. The ears send a message to the brain, that then tells the mouth to say something. It's because they are telling me it hurts so therefore when this action gets that reaction I say this! Two plus two equals four!
To say sorry and mean it is very important but more importantly after you say it, and only when you mean it, you need to ask if that person you apologized to accepts your apology, Very important step a lot of people are unaware of so it gets skipped. Which means we don't know if it was received.
Saying sorry not only allows that person to release the pain or hurt but it also allows you to release it. There is a great amount of healing that comes from admitting you were wrong or wronged someone and to come to terms with it and to be vulnerable enough to open up your heart is very healing for them but more for your mind, body and soul. But remember only if you really feel that emotion not if it a reaction to an action.
I am sorry if I hurt you. I really didn't mean it.
Thank you for reading and I hope that you learned something from reading my blogs.
I'm send you blessings.