I want to start out by saying I love my Angels... I always hear.. is there really a such thing as Angels, are they real, who are they, what do they look like, and are they around us or how do we know when they are around us? I always say, “When you were born into this world you were given your own personal Angel or Angels, so talk to them because they are around you, and on-call ready to serve and protect! When I tell people this- they are amazed to learn, they too, have their own personal Angels.
Angels are mysterious, beautiful, warm, fuzzy and heavenly. Speaking as a Spiritual Healer... I do hear and see Angels quite often. The way I see them is like a sparkle of light. For example...When I’m doing a reading on a client they always show up to the left of the client and usually around the head of that person I'm reading for. Angels have a very subtle voice, and a very specific energy and feeling; it's really difficult to put that energy or feeling into words. But, if I had to choose a word to match the feeling I feel- it would be "Superamazingalicious!!" :) A lot of times when I'm doing a reading they will show up and give me information on that person, or to just confirm that their Angels are around them, and sometimes to teach that person that they too have Angels around them, or most times to teach or remind that person to talk to their Angels more and ask for their guidance more frequently.
It is my belief that when we are born into this world or lifetime, we are born with at least one Angel, that acts as our own personal Angel. They’re the deliverers of magical moments, and what we know as those lucky moments or divine timing. Those times when we are stuck and can’t make that final decision and then “ta da” just like that, there is a sign or something happens to shift your mind into “yep-I’m going to say yes, because I know that’s a sign” feeling, or when you hear that little voice of encouragement, yep that’s your Angel. An example that comes to mind is when I received an email invitation to participate in the San Francisco New Living Expo. First I want to say, that particular email went into the “Spam Folder” so I didn’t get it for at least a week or two after it was originally sent to me. When I got it and researched the event, I was surprised that the cheapest space cost $895!! My first thought was WOW thats pretty pricey- I can’t afford that! And then I thought I’ve never paid that much for a booth in my life or even half of that! But something about this event felt exciting to me. I felt big event too. I went back and forth in my mind, for weeks! I will do it... then no I don’t think I should. I’d think, it’s so far and 3-days... I thought I’d be so exhausted after day two. Then I thought, but I’d meet so many amazing people. I asked my Angels, should I do it, or not! (Very frustrated feeling at this point) And I’d get more confused. Did I hear yes? Maybe it was no. I had so much mind chatter and anxiety around this. So I decided like most, to talked to my friend, and then I meditated on it, slept on it, talked to my guides and then my Angels again, and then meditated on it once again. I was so confused! And that ego kept reminding me that this is just too much money. I went round and round in my head for weeks. So finally I called the event coordinator and talked to him for a few minutes, asking questions and so on... I explained to him that I wasn’t sure I could afford the cost bla bla bla... he said that he had a booth....blablabla.... I asked what number that booth was and his reply was “1020” “OKAY!” I said, “That’s my Angels talking to me!” I told him, “Wow 1020 is the date my child was born on, and that is a sign from my Angels!” Before the conversation ended I let him know I’d take it! And I thought, “Thank you Angels! ”That was a sign from my Angels. Once I heard 1020 it was like all the stress and confusion faded and I knew in my heart, mind, body and soul that I needed to do this event- so I am doing the event! Yaaaay!
Angels will help us if we ask! Sometimes we aren’t hearing their messages, because we get in our own heads, or we fall into that habit of bouncing things off of our friends, and then we have yet another opinion to add to the mix, and then we go round and round in our minds. M & M’s are a great way to help hahaha “Mediums and Meditation” or is it chocolate M & M’s? Okay- I'm being silly now- okay-back to Angel talk... Meditation & Mediumship, yes- Mediums that can channel messages from your Angels and Meditation is also a great tool to help quiet the chatter in our heads, so that you can hear the subtle voice of our Angels and spiritual guidance clearly.
Know that your Angels are there to help. Make a choice to ask them for guidance all the time. We can call on them whenever we need guidance. I always say, “Ask and you shall receive!” If you don’t ask- you don’t receive! You need to be in constant communication with them. And we can communicate with our Guides too. That blog to come at a later date... Right now we’re speaking of our lovely Angels! If you don’t have a relationship with them- it’s never too late to start! I encourage you to talk to them. They are your friends, and really they’re your best friends!
I was born and raised Catholic. My parents really didn’t practice the whole religious beliefs and routine, but somewhere along the line I was taught to talk to God. So I always prayed and spoke to “God”. Which is another relationship many of us have. Keep that relationship but know that you have Angels listening too! I know that Angels are real because I see them and hear them! I have a great relationship with my Angels. They fix my car (you can read a previous post on my blog, after you finish this one, of course... http://www.readingswithpeej.com/3/archives/02-2013/1.html
They're Amazing!! Awesome!! and dependable!! I always call on them. I ask that 100,000 Angels assist me when I am doing a session on someone, and I also ask them to help me when I need help or a miracle. And every night, I call on their aid to protect me, my family and home prior to going to bed at night.
They aren't just that sparkle, they also have a mystical energy feeling to them and make magical moments happen. They talk to you and remind you to do things, they have also been know to encourage you one day to take a different road on your way to work and then later you find out there was a huge accident that you missed, and with relief and amazement, all because you listened to that little voice in your head that told you to take a different route to work that day. They show up when we least expect it, and in rare form sometimes. They can be that little old lady that returned your wallet. They are the grocery store clerk who told you that your eyes light up the world, when you smile.
They are the small child in public places, that when they see you, their face lights up with a big smile! And gives you a warm feeling inside. They might be Earth Angles and show up as the stranger who was standing in line, in front of you that you never even noticed, but just paid for your lunch and vanished. Or another form of Earth Angel is that they show as a complete stranger who just happened to sit by you at the doctor's office, and were so nice and warm and sparked up a conversation with you and then as you walk away you realized you just chatted about the most personal things that touched you and helped you see another view on life, and felt good and clear on that issue you just could never get past.
They can also bring that friend you’ve known for twenty years back into your life, at that time when you need them, to shared an experience, that is similar to yours, and with an empathy and sympathy opened doors and shifted things inside, and all the while, you didn't think anyone else experienced it or felt your pain.
Angels come in all sizes and shapes, all ages and skin types. They may short or tall, may have dimples, wrinkles, some with freckles, some without. They can be disguised as friends, enemies, adults, babies, teachers, neighbors, or bus drivers. They are very subtle. They may sound like that little voice in your head, that says softly, and gives gentle direction, but they aren’t the one that says, “stupid, why didn’t you....” They show you signs like the “1020” But-they always speak of love and light and their mission is to protect and help guide you into love & light and clarity.
They don't take life too seriously, and they travel light and they expect nothing in return.
They are a blessing in disguise.
They are real! They are Amazing! They are awesome and "SuperAmazingAlicious!!"
I encourage you to open up to them and get to know them. Talk to them, confide in them, ask them, trust them, and love them. It’s simple just talk to them like you would a friend, because honestly they will end up being your best friend in the whole wide world! Trust me I know what I’m talking about!
Do you have any Angels stories? I’d love to hear about them, please do share.