So one night, a few weeks ago, after I got done at the office I was driving home. I don't use cards or tools, I work with Spirit, energy, and so sometimes I'm physically and energetically drained because I work with use my body. With this being said, most days I'm in the office I really don't feel like going home and cooking, honestly I love cooking, but after I work it's really hard for me to stand there and even harder to clean up the mess after. Sometimes dishes sit in the sink for days. I have issues standing, but that's a different subject for another blog, lol anyway- I stopped to get gas in my black on black cool rental car. Which by the way is a boat and was very hard to parallel park!
Reason for a rental: A few weeks earlier I had gone to the store and after I shopped I went to exit my parking spot as I go to back up I hear a scraping noise under my car. I didn't think anything of it. I got home unloaded my groceries and when I had to leave later as I went to get back into my car, I notice my whole bumper was hanging off! Completely dismantled, so I had to call the store and explain what happened. He said that he needed to watch the video and call me back. When he did he said they'd fix it, but they had to put a claim into their insurance company.
Then I brought my car in and got a rental car, and well of course, I pick the nicest car on the lot. A brand new black on black 2014 charger. Okay- back to my Angel story... I worked that day and was feeling wiped so while driving I decided to place a togo food order for dinner. I stopped for gas, but I couldn't figure out how to put gas in this car... DUH! Where's the gas door release button? It was nowhere to be found! I'm looking, looking.... but I can't find any button. I had to call my friend that has a fiancé with a Charger to find the magic button.
(By now I just want to be done with this day because it's been kind of a discombobulating.) Lucky for me she answered, thank you Angels. I'm able to pump my gas, but when I was getting out of the car, my phone rang and I saw that it was the lady from the restaurant that I ordered the food from, so I answer. .. I let her know that I was pumping gas and I would be there momentarily, because I was right down the street. When I hung up I placed the black phone on top of the black on black car, and pumped my gas.
Then I proceeded to get a receipt, the machine wasn't working, so I let the attendant know. Meanwhile, I get back into the car, completely forgetting the phone because it's a black phone on a black on black car! and I drive off, and of course I'm in a brand new charger so I gas it! Hello! Who wouldn't, right?! LOL
Then I hear this "CLUNK" "CLUNK" and I think "Oh s***! was that was my phone?!" So I try to find my phone in the dark, while driving and trying to watch the road, which wasn't working so I pulled over...I can't find it ! I knew that noise was my phone darn it! I quickly turn around and I go up and down the street multiple times. I don't see it anywhere! So I call my son in a complete panicked frenzy, from my work cell phone, thank God I have another cell phone! I tell him that I need to come and get him, because I left my phone on top of the car and now it's on the street somewhere. I am completely freaking out because it has all of my emails and numbers, and more so because a few weeks prior my blackberry just decided one night to delete two years of pictures and videos! Just on its own! Ta da just like that GONE! So at this point I'm having a post traumatic syndrome episode.
(Which by the way I bought a new phone, I have had blackberries for the last 5 or 6 years and after it just deleted a huge chunk of my life, memories and what felt like part of my soul ripped out of me- I will never ever ever again buy a blackberry ever ever ever!!)
Okay soooooo I get him and we drive up and down in the area I heard the "clunk clunk" and my son says, "Mom I don't think it's on the street." I snapped, "Well where do you think it went?! It has to be, because I heard it right around this area."
He says, "Maybe it's at the gas staton, plus if it did, there would be a thousand pieces on the street because it would have shattered if you were gassing it when it fell."
Obviously I wanted to find my phone even if it's in a thousand pieces, so we drove up and down the street multiple times. I kept thinking, "Why Angels, why is this happening to me? Please help me find my phone Angels please!"
If I found it, at least I could get the sim card and the memory card. Then my son says, "Mom, why don't you pull into the gas station where there is lights maybe it feel off there."
I was reluctant, and I snapped, "It feel off when I was on this street, I heard it!"
He says just pull in there real quick so we can check. So I did, reluctantly. I said I pumped gas right there. He gets out. As he proceeds towards the back of the vehicle, out of habit I glance in my rear view mirror and I see this little square that just so happened to be my blackberry! As my son also notices it at that exact moment! He grabs it, and now I'm saying thank you Angels! Thank you God! He hops back into the car and says, "Mom, that was your a Angels for sure! That was what I call our Angels at work, a miracle! Do you know how small that little lip was that held onto this phone?" I said, "Yes!" He says, "I can't believe that little lip held onto that phone!" I said, "Yep and thank you Angels!"
Both of us were just in complete shock!
I thought this is another one of my Angel stories I need to share and blog about, so I got out and snapped a few pictures to attach.
My Angels always surprise me with their amazing powers and abilities to save, protect, guide, help and fix things!
Thank you, thank you, thank you God's Angels!
I always say, Angels are like neighbors. We know they're there but most times we don't acknowledge them or communicate with them. We know we have neighbors, but we just ignore them. Same thing with our Angels.
We need to make a connection with them, and communicate with them. Acknowledge them.
When in session, the Angels will tell me when someone needs to communicate with Angels and when they do I always tell my clients, it's real simple!
And one of my Spirit Guides always share analogies to explain. So here is one. ..
You know there are neighbors next door and all around you. We can live in a house for three years and never meet or even greet your neighbor. Most often we just mind our own business and pretend we have tunnel vision when we see a neighbor waking to their car or watering their lawn. We just mind our own biz wax (aka business) lol and that's exactly what we do with our Angels and Spirit Guides.
If you want to make contact with your Angels, and I was using the neighbor analogy, but please apply it to your Angels. Introduce yourself to your Angels. Say hi.
We need to communicate with them! If it be your neighbors or your Angels, we need to acknowledge them and in this case we're using it in a context of our neighbors, but paying attention to the energy not the words. So back to my Angels.
The first step is knowing we have them. Second we have to acknowledge them by doing that we learn about them, ask about them and imagine them. Then we can make contact with them, so that we can start to have a connection with them. Then communicate with them. Talk to them. Believe in them, trust them. Depend on them by asking them for help. And then always thank them. This is the most important part- noticing their efforts and their amazing powers or gifts and thanking them. We need to thank them and praise them and talk about them. Share with them. Love them. We are born with our own personal Angels. Doreen Virtue talks a lot about Angels! She has a lot o of amazing Angel information in her books including her Angel numbers book, which I own. My Angels always show me 444, especially when I'm working on babies at the hospitals. And I see 333 a lot. I used to always see 222 a few years ago and I'd always wake up and the clock would show 222am. Those are my Angels talking to me.
Okay- back to the neighbor analogy... We know they are there... We want to acknowledge and want them to be a part of our lives, so the next time you are planning on having a garage sale aka communicating with your Angels, you can go over and ring their door bell and when they answer, because Angels always do...And the neighbors answer the door too lol
You say, "Hi I'm your neighbor, my name is...and I just wanted to say hi and let you know that we're having a garage sale on the third Saturday of next month. They say hi...bla bla bla and you conversate, then they say thank you for the invite and you go home and continue on with your day. But now you have made a connection. That's the hardest part acknowledging they are there and making that connection. But the good news is once you do, it all comes naturally and flows all so naturally!
Then you make a point to talk to them. In context of your neighbors, as your walking to your can and you see them, you can just wave to say hello, and in context of your Angels you can imagine them in front of you or in your mind's eye and you just simply say hello. That's acknowledging them, making contact with them, and being friendly and communicating with them. Saying hello- which is growing a friendship with them. Same with your Angels, you talk to them and share your thoughts, desires, dreams and needs and wants with them.
Another neighbors example is when you have that garage sale, once they bring their stuff out to sell you walk over say hi while browsing around to see what treasures they decided to part with. They offer you some lemon aid, you get to talking and you find out their daughter goes to the same dance studio and they offer to trade off certain days with you, saving you the trip. What a blessing! You made a connection and now they offered to help get your daughter to dance. You feel great about meeting, and getting to know your neighbors after living there for two years not so much as acknowledging them! They give your daughter a ride, you thank them. And the same goes with God's Angels. When they do something like my phone incident, I thank them! So always remember to say thank you!
Okay so a month later your getting ready to start your car one morning and the battery is dead. You're in a rush. You see Bob, your neighbor, that you made a connection with and you say, hey can you give me a jump? Asking for help. He gladly says yes, jumps your car, you thank him and you're on your way and feeling very blessed.
What a great feeling that is to have made a connection, and asked and then to receive.
Same goes with your Angels.
You make a connection, communicate, ask and you shall receive. It's that simple!
I always call on 100,000 of God's Angels whenever I do a session. I have an amazing connection with my Angels. I love my Angels! They are amazingly awesome!
Thank you God for your Angels, they are amazing!