Listening to Your body... and Allowing yourself to fully heal
We're still in this energy shift and it takes a lot out of empaths, sensitives and light workers..
If you're tired, then sleep a little longer. If we notice we feel like crap after we hang out with a friend or family member, then notice and avoid that person especially when you're not in the best health, your senses are heightened- that's when you want to listen to your intuition and senses and avoid that person, for a while, until you're in a healthier space.
And the first step to listening to your own intuition is to acknowledge and honor your higher self.
Remember you are the driver of your vehicle. Life is about listening to yourself, your higher self, and how you feel and if it doesn't feel good-then don't do it!! If you're tired - Rest! Take a nap! Call in sick...because it can wait!!
AND this is about choosing to NOT beat ourselves up over not meeting our own expectations or ideas on how we think it should have or could have been. This is sometimes hard, because we hold ourselves responsible for the ideas we draw up in our minds; which usually is the perfect outcome, or the highest success, and when we don't achieve that high(est) marker we disappoint ourselves. That's when the self talk or bla bla bla negative chatter comes in, and we can beat ourselves up, internally!.
The bla bla bla self talk, negative, demanding little voice in your head, or on your shoulder.
You just have to turn your head to the right and say to that little voice in your head, "shut up!!"
You need to remove yourself from the energy of it, which isn't easy, especially the first few times you- and I'm not going to use the word "try" because we are going to "do" this, not try this, from now on!! (there is no coincidence that you are reading this, there aren't any coincidences. I believe, feel, and know things happen for a reason. We may not understand that reason at the time, but trust me, its all part of our paths.)
This is really about listening to your inner voice. When you have to make a decision, really feel into the energy around when to say yes, and when to say no. Especially when you are tired or sick.
Ask yourself- am I taking on too much?
An example that comes to mind, is around self help, healing or any series or class around bettering ourselves that requires you to sign up, and attend. Anything that requires you, not just to physically show up for, but even if its done through email or internet, at your own pace. You have to ask yourself, am I ready to start another series or class. And the answer may be yes, but then you need to do a check-in and ask what other things have I started that have not been completed yet...and if I sign up to do this new thing, will it be safe, will I be able to complete the other commitments? Will I have the time? Can I afford it? A lot of times it sounds good at the time, especially around self help classes and then what happens is you don't complete any of them, because you are overwhelmed with too many of them at one time. Too much at one time. And then you hear that little voice in the background with the negative talk about yourself and why you... Bla bla... And you should have... Bla bla bla. I have too many...bla bla
You're familiar with that little voice in your head that I'm speaking of!
So the message is - listen to your body and the messages it sends to your head, and pay attention to how you feel and allow yourself to heal... (hey that rhymes ha!
If you're not feeling good, allow your body the down time it needs, to heal, and completely heal, and remember our bodies will talk to us so pay attention! This also gets easier when you meditate daily. (even if its 5 minutes a day!) And lastly, surround yourself with people that add (de)light to your life.
Sending love and light,