It's a new year, a new day, a new week, which means new beginnings.
The traditional new year comes with the desire to change things. None of you may be planning on making any major changes in your lives, but I suggest you make a choice to let go! That means to be free of the past. Whatever happened before today is now in the past and should stay there. As human beings we have a memory 100,000 times more powerful than any computer and a soul memory that remembers things from past lives. Ever wonder why you fear certain things that just logically don't add up or make sense?
For example I can't snorkle, I hyperventalate. When some friends and I went to Mexico, in 1992, I tried to snorkle for the first time and I just could not do it. I remember trying and making this humming sound, not sure why haha but it sure didn't help. I remember saying, "I must have drown in a past life!"
I realized since trying to snorkle that I have this anxiety when I'm in water. I'm fine in the shower, hot tubs, and pools, but get me in a lake or the ocean and I'm UNeasy!
Many, many years ago I went to the lake with a group of friends. While on the boat various people would take turns attempting to wakeboard. Over the duratation of the two or three days several of my friends attempted to talk me into trying it. I had no interest or desire to wakeboard, so I repeatenly declined, mainly because only two out of the ten were actually able to get up and actually wakeboard. It looked very difficult and was very frusterating for the person trying to get up, but also for me too! It was a very long process and requires a lot of patience. The boat would stop and a new person would jump in the water, with their life vest and a wakeboard. They had to slip their feet into the wakeboard foot holes and then grab the line and then the boat would start to go- meanwhile pulling the person behind it. Most times while they are starting to be pulled they loose hold of the cord, leaving them stranded so then the boat has to go up and turn around to come back to where the person let go. Then we throw the line out again and then they hold on and the boat gasses it again and then they start to get up and then they quickly crash. So the boat goes back to get them once again. This happens numerous times until they say alright so and so is going to try it now. Most times the person hops back into the boat and waits their turn to try again to get up to actually attempt to wakeboard.
To make a long story short the group encouraged me repeatenly to try it so I finally did. Me and my anxiety, fear and butt hopped into the water and slipped my feet into the wakeboard. Once I did that the board was forcing my upper body to be forced back and into the water, so I had to use my stomach mussles to do sort of a sit up exersize with my mussles to get my head to stop from emerging into the water. They through out the line, someone said "Hit it!" The boat gasses it and I did what they said, lean back, hold onto the rope and pull yourself up and out of the water.
I did just that! I popped up out of that water like a pop tart! I was doing it! I was wakeboarding! I went to the side and to the other side. Water was splashing into my face and eyes, but I couldn't wipe them, because I was holding on to that cord for dear life! Finally after a while of just riding... it became kind of boring and so I just let go. They were all happy that I tried it and actually did it, but more so they were shocked at how I got up the first time I ever tried it. And to be honest I think it was that I didn't want to be in that water HAHA!
I know the fear and anxiety I had has something to do with a past life! How do I know this?... well nothing has ever happened in this lifetime that I can recall around fear or a bad experience in the water.
Now that is one way of realizing the past will show up around us and have an effect on our lives. Sometimes we choose to hold onto the pain and hurt from a past relationship and we choose to remember it. We actually get comfortable with that hurt and anger or feelings that link us to that past pain we suffered. Sometimes we fear feeling that pain again so much that we won't get into another relationship out of fear of experiencing that pain again. Not realizing that we are allowing that person to continue to hurt and keep us from experiencing happiness and any love even years after they left us or we left them - in turn allowing them to stop us from being happy which allows them to continue to have a negative impact on our lives, even after the damage they caused we could allow them to damage, effect us after they are a part of our past which is supposed to be history! I have seen this happen so many times with family, friends, clients as well as myself.
If I had one wish I would wish that today and every day we can start new. Choose a fresh new path. Let go of the past. Realize that when we are in the past, thinking about the pain or experience of the past we are looking back and relating with the past in the present. We are activating that energy. We are talking about it, thinking about it and manifesting it.
When I'm in session with someone, I always say I don't care why you do what you do, or don't do what you don't do. That was you before. I know our past has an impact on our future but it doesn't have to be our future. I also don't do past life regression or readings. Mainly because I could tell you that your were a prince or even a frog and how would you know if this was true? It just seems very fairytalish to me. Plus I'm bout today and the future. Healing from the past and looking forward and picking the way we want things to go. I aren't little kids anynore and that means we can choose to make it whatever we want it to be.
Not all are able to forget certain incidences or circumstances we've experienced in our lifes, but the end result is how we handle it and it's really up to us. You have that power. I've had a horrible childhood. Horrific childhood! I have always said that I wouldn't change my past if I could because I like who I turned out to be and if what happened to me didn't happen to me, I may not be who I became to be. I'm not going to say it was easy but I am going to say it made me the caring, feeling, loving compassionate, woman I am with integrity!
Positive thoughts can help take us through anything life throws our way.
One of my instructors said to us one day- "The key to happiness is accepting what is."
I believe this and letting go is the key to being free from it all!
I wish you blessings, happiness, love and many laughs in this new year!! 2014 The Year of the Horse! The year of new beginning.