The intense energy - if you know you are a sensitive, well you have been more sensitive than ever in your life! And those of you that had no idea you were, well NOW you know!! And welcome to my world. lol. And for those of us that know we are Intuitives, we notice that it has been so intense the last month or so!! And for those of you that had no idea you even had an intuitive side, are now noticing that you know things some how and it is kind of confusing. It is a definitely a shift some are not prepared for, but opening up energetically and spiritually to it is your soul's divine gift. (which is awesome!!) I feel like the universe has bumped it up ten notches!!
So remember to stay in your own body and know your limits. Ground yourself and ask your Angels to protect you! And please remember...clearing your mind or some form of meditation is the most important gift you could give yourself, your mind, body and soul. Self care equals self love and a happier you!
When you clear your mind, and love and nurture yourself, you can't help but illuminate that loving light from your inner core, which forces you to spread happiness and love to everyone around you.
Enjoy every moment of this life you're living and acknowledge and grow your gifts. Happy Holidays!
Sending love ♥ & light ☼