Here are a few questions and answers to bring clarity to your curiosities...
Question: How much does a session cost?
Answer: Depending on which session you choose prices vary. Peej has not raised her prices since 2010. She will offer discounts, specials and payment plans when needed. Peej doesn't want time or money to be an issue when it comes to healing, guidance and sharing her gifts. She has and will share her healing gifts with premature babies at no cost to the families or at a small donation, usually for her travel expense.
Question: Does Peej record my session?
Yes. Peej records all of her sessions and now even records all conversations, check-ins and most phone calls that come in. She has been recording sessions for years and clients have benefited in many ways. Plus it's pretty awesome to have proof and memories of some amazing spiritual connections because sometimes Peej has heard and channeled some accurate and on-point information,facts, names of living and decided family members and it's pretty awesome to have that on recording, or to be able to re-listen to your session weeks, months or even years later. IF you have a problem being recorded please advise when you first connect, but for the safety of all involved Peej has made it a policy of hers to record all communcations.
Question: Does a session have to be in person for it to be perfect or for Peej to feel into my energy and read me?
Answer: No. It really depends on the person. Some clients prefer in person, some prefer Skype, some prefer over the phone, and some prefer their session be conducted in the comfort of their own homes.
Either way, Peej has the ability to feel and read your energy, your Chakra Energy and Spiritual Energy, which allows her to receive messages energetically, by telephonic or by universal love and your Chakra and aura energy.
Peej offers a $33 discount for phone sessions, because she does not need to see you to accurately read you. Because she has a divine connection to and form the Divine Spiritual World; she has the gift of hearing, seeing and feeling energy and vibrations of messages from the Spiritual Realm, Angels and Loved Ones- it doesn't matter what city, state or country you're in. Everything is Energy. The accuracy is amazing and the messages come though the same either way in-person or over the phone for Peej.
Either way, Peej has the ability to feel and read your energy, your Chakra Energy and Spiritual Energy, which allows her to receive messages energetically, by telephonic or by universal love and your Chakra and aura energy.
Peej offers a $33 discount for phone sessions, because she does not need to see you to accurately read you. Because she has a divine connection to and form the Divine Spiritual World; she has the gift of hearing, seeing and feeling energy and vibrations of messages from the Spiritual Realm, Angels and Loved Ones- it doesn't matter what city, state or country you're in. Everything is Energy. The accuracy is amazing and the messages come though the same either way in-person or over the phone for Peej.
Question: What is the difference between a Medium, a Spiritual Healer, Psychic, and a Card Reader?
Answer: : A Medium is a person that has a connection to the Spirtual Realm, which means they can communicate with God, God's Angels and your Loved Ones whom have left their physical world into the to the spiritual world or other side. All Mediums are gifted intuitively (Intuitive-another word for Psychic) Azll Mediums are psychic BUT NOT all Psychics are Mediums.
I found this info online:
"Mental mediumship" is communication of spirits with a Medium. The Medium mentally "hears" (clairaudience), "sees" (clairvoyance), and/or feels (clairsentience) messages from Spirits. Directly or with the help of a Spirit Guide, the Medium passes the information on to the message's recipient(s). When a Medium is doing a "reading" for a particular person.
A true Medium have Spiritual gifts. A Medium is as a Prophet, and is a gifted soul and is able to communicate with the Holy Spirit, Loved Ones whom have passed.
Spiritual Healer Answer: : Spiritual Gifts- 1 Corinthians 12 1 Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant. 2 You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. 3 Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say,“Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. 4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,a and to still another the interpretation of tongues. b 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
Psychic Answer:
Card Reader Answer:
Question: Peej's has been told her energy healing work is amazing and has helped speed up healing, but does Peej's energy work help with anything else?
Answer: Yes! We have heard unique stories to each individual, like it has helped with being able to sleep better, more vivid dreams, calming and relaxation, and over all,
just a sense of well being. A tingling, warm or cool sensation followed by a lighter, happier sense and felling.
just a sense of well being. A tingling, warm or cool sensation followed by a lighter, happier sense and felling.
Question: Does Peej see, feel, and hear Spirits around her every day or is it just when she is channeling in a session or when doing a reading?
Answer: Yes, Peej can feel Spirit around her all of the time. Over the years Spirits use to attempt to communicate with her at any given time or place, if it be in the middle of the night (when Spirit is most active) or while driving down the street. It became quite difficult to get rest or concentrate completely. Peej moved ten times in nine years or was it nine times in ten years? She always thought it was because neighbors were making noises, the dogs were barking... etc. But in reality, it was Spirit communicating and disturbing her sleep. It was a very difficult period in her life. Now that she is aware and protected, she now protects and asks Spirit only communicates with her when she is doing a reading. She will still feel spirits while in certain houses, and will know if it is a female or male, but gently asks them to come back when she is doing a reading. While Peej realizes everyone has their own practices as shown in the televised show "Long Island Medium". This is a reality show about a Medium, whom frequently delivers random messages to people that come in her path day to day. Peej prefers to only read for people who come to her or are open to her. She knows other Mediums that also practice like this, and that may work for them and where they are on their life paths, but right now Peej will only channel while doing a reading or while meditating, that is where she is comfortable to open herself up to Spirit. Probably due to her past experiences.
Question: Are you born a Medium or Psychic?
Answer: Just like anyone has an ability to learn how to play violin, same with intuition. Everyone has intuition also known as psychic abilities. Peej has always had a keen intuition and always just knew things, and never questioned how or why. She could see and feel things and has always surprised herself and friends with her accuracy. It wasn't until many years ago, when Peej had a Spiritual Healing Session that she was told that she had a white light that followed her and that it was her God Given gift and path to help hundreds or thousands of people in this lifetime. She called her friend that referred her, to this healer, to ask if she too, told her that. Her friend's reply was no! And that is when she really opened up to her spiritual journal and gifts, learning how to use her gifts, which then placed her on her wonderful journey of spiritual healing and guidance, which uncovered many gifts she was unaware of, at that time. But it all makes sense now! You too can also learn how to listen to that Psychic inside of you...Meditation and disconnection is the first steps and Spirit will make themselves aware if Mediumship is a spiritual gift that you are born with, and not everyone has it. All Mediums are Psychic, but not all Psychics are Mediums. Either way when you have the gift of healing you'll find a way to help others, even if it's volunteering at an animal shelter.
Question: Why do I have to close my eyes in the beginning of a phone session?
Answer: Most of the time Peej will have her eyes closed during a session, Phone, Skype or In-Person Sessions and she will ask that you too close your eyes. Closing your eyes helps her see, what she refers to as her movie screen, which is your third eye.
Most times will ask, that you too, close your eyes in the beginning while she is doing your Chakra balancing and her energy work. We are all very visual beings, and like when meditating, closing your eyes allows us to turn off that major (visual) sensory, which helps you avoid example is looking at what Peej is doing with her hands, and seeing things around us. When your eyes are open sometimes it makes us loose the connection you would or should be feeling or sensing. Closing your eyes also helps make it easier for you to shut down and open up to the healing and allows you to relax your mind, body and soul.
Peej always says, "Closing your eyes is like turning off the headlights on your car at night." Meaning- when you close them they don't blind her when she is trying to see into your spirit, soul and aura.
Most times will ask, that you too, close your eyes in the beginning while she is doing your Chakra balancing and her energy work. We are all very visual beings, and like when meditating, closing your eyes allows us to turn off that major (visual) sensory, which helps you avoid example is looking at what Peej is doing with her hands, and seeing things around us. When your eyes are open sometimes it makes us loose the connection you would or should be feeling or sensing. Closing your eyes also helps make it easier for you to shut down and open up to the healing and allows you to relax your mind, body and soul.
Peej always says, "Closing your eyes is like turning off the headlights on your car at night." Meaning- when you close them they don't blind her when she is trying to see into your spirit, soul and aura.
Question: What advice does Peej give a person looking for a Spiritual Healer, Medium, or Psychic?
Answer: Referrals from a trusted friend is always good. Someone that can tell you things about yourself without asking questions that works only with love and light is important. Please be aware of Psychics who ask you a lot of questions, like why you are there, ones that say they feel like you are very sad... they will always ask your birth date because this will help them immediately get facts about you through astrology that willl help them assist in gaining your trust. Because a person could tell you tons of facts about yourself just based on the letters in your name, or your astrology sign. Also beware of the ones that come up to you and try to solicit you at bingo or at a store, or on the street that touch you or spark up small talk and then claim that you have bad energy around you claiming that they can help clear it or save you. Then they have a catch, which usually involves you paying them money.
You've heard of cyberstalking? Well this act is similar, and I refer to it as "spiritual stalking." Don't let a person/stalker bully come up, and fill your head with any fears. That is their attempt to break your protections, making you vulnerable to their premeditated attack.
Peej has heard many stories about gypsy these fortune teller cons, and their lies, as to why they need your money, so they can purchase an imaginary sacred crystal, or have a candle burned by them for hundreds or even thousands of dollars to have a curse lifted, darkness removed, or to be saved from some bad Spirit around them. These people ruin the reputations of a lot of truly gifted readers and legitimate Spiritual Healers.
Peej does not ask questions prior to reading. She doesn't use any tools. She uses her divine gift to read with integrity, love and with divine light always, and through Spirit she channels messages and provides Guidance through love and light.
You've heard of cyberstalking? Well this act is similar, and I refer to it as "spiritual stalking." Don't let a person/stalker bully come up, and fill your head with any fears. That is their attempt to break your protections, making you vulnerable to their premeditated attack.
Peej has heard many stories about gypsy these fortune teller cons, and their lies, as to why they need your money, so they can purchase an imaginary sacred crystal, or have a candle burned by them for hundreds or even thousands of dollars to have a curse lifted, darkness removed, or to be saved from some bad Spirit around them. These people ruin the reputations of a lot of truly gifted readers and legitimate Spiritual Healers.
Peej does not ask questions prior to reading. She doesn't use any tools. She uses her divine gift to read with integrity, love and with divine light always, and through Spirit she channels messages and provides Guidance through love and light.
Question: How can someone tell if someone is a Charlatan or they are trying to con or scam you?
Answer: A Charlatan is a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill, a fraud. A quack, sham, fraud, cheat, deceiver, hoaxer, swindler to obtain money or fame via some form of pretense or deception. Peej doesn't believe in and she does not cast spells or do anything that is related to love spells (to bring back your ex-lover), doesn't use curses or any type of potions. Peej urges you to beware of these types of gimmicks or connery practices "Psychic Spiritualists". Peej believes anyone who tries to say that they do these types of services does not work from love or white light. If a reader tells you that you have a curse or dark energy and wants you to him/her money to remove it, chances are you are being scammed by a con! These Cons are trained to read body language and use working in dark and pray on the weak-- not of the Holy Spirit. I pray for the people that get conned by their gimmicks and cons artists attempts to take your money with little or no results!