Here's what they are saying about Peej...
"My experience with Peej started a year ago. Jan 2011 I gave birth to a 2lb 5oz Baby Girl named Luna Rain. Born 4 months early, she had the normal preemie complications. Underdeveloped lungs, stomach infections, jaundice, and the list goes on. My husband and I would post our baby's progress on Facebook to let our family and friends know how she's doing. Peej was a childhood friend of my husband, Henry. Peej messaged Henry letting him know she can help with Luna's health, of course he really didn't think deeply about it. After 3 months in the hospital, she came home. All was well, until 2 weeks later.. Taking her back to the hospital, she had a tear in her throat. It was cause from all the feeding and breathing tubes the RNs put in her throat. Going undetected, the tear caused a fungal infection around her lungs and heart, and also she developed pneumonia. Luna
had tubes put in her lungs to drain the fluid from the pneumonia. The doctor's couldn't contain the bacteria around her lungs & heart. Luna had an IV in both hands and feet, also one going to her heart, over 10 medications, and a machine to help her breathe. She was resuscitated 3 times, because she stopped breathing. All this happened in a weeks time. All this medication was doing nothing for her.
The doctors gave Luna a slim chance for survival. I called a Pastor and family to come pray for our little baby Luna, telling them she might not make it. After everyone left my husband pulled me aside and said he called Peej. He informed me she is an Energy Healer and said she can help Luna. I'm familiar with Energy Healing, but didn't think it would help with Luna's situation. That day Peej came to the hospital and the moment I saw her, I felt her positive energy. I knew it was her, cause I haven't felt positive in months. Peej and I talked for awhile, she did some energy work on me first. She aligned my chakra's, and just made me feel warm and hopeful. Peej then went to see Luna. She informed me Luna's aurora is a light Purple, which means she's fighting, but weak. Peej also informed me that something is going on with Luna's bladder or something in that area, and her chest is just "Full" of dark stuff. Peej needed to see Luna for 3 days in person for optimum healing, and also, I need to visualize angels and her guardians around Luna at all times. Peej will also work-in some distant healing.
After Peej left, I asked Luna's nurse to check the baby's urine or her catheter to see if everything was okay. Sure enough her catheter was out. Peej was right!! The second day Peej was trying to clear Luna's chest. She would put her hands over Luna's lungs like she was scooping stuff out of her chest. Peej told Luna to cough, and sure enough she did, she told her to cough again, and she did. I was amazed, considering the whole time Luna has just been lying there doing nothing for 2 weeks. The doctors took x-rays of Luna's chest everyday, and everyday it was nothing but bad news. Until the third day Peej came in. I really don't know what day it was, but it was the third day Peej came to see Luna. Peej said Luna's aura was looking good and could feel her healing already. Peej cleared Luna's chest with the scooping motion, and informed me Luna's left side is more "full" than the right side. That night of routine x-rays, the nurse said the same thing Peej told me. That Luna's left side of the chest was full of bacteria. I really wasn't shock to hear the news, since I already heard it from Peej.
During the third day of Energy Healing, Peej said to "expect major changes in a couple of days," "Positive changes". That day after Peej's third session with Luna, she told me she'll come once a week for some follow-up work, but told me to still visualize Luna's Angels and surround her in a bubble of white light in my minds eye. Two days later, the doctor's moved Luna to another unit, (changes are happening), and lowered her breathing machine, because Luna was trying to breathe on her own. I called Peej all excited!! She was right..again. Peej still dong distant work on Luna, and she is slowly improving. After 3 days of distant healing, 5 medications were stopped, breathing machine to 20%, x-rays show improvement, and my Baby opens her eyes after a month. Now I could say I really seen an Angel. I saw it in Luna's eyes.Peej came in that week. I didn't know what to say. Words can not explain what my heart was feeling toward her. It took Peej's wonderful Energy Healing and Luna's guardian Angels to help with her illness. One week later, with one "in-person" session and some distant healing, there were no more breathing machines, just one IV and 2 medications. Amazing, Peej is Amazing! The following week, Luna was ready to come home. Doctors were amazed on Luna's recovery. They would come to see her, and just shake there heads and say "she's a fighter". I didn't tell them Luna had help, it might hurt their ego. The doctors were giving up on my Baby, but not Peej. I invited Peej to Luna's hospital release, I wanted Peej to see the Baby she helped heal with her amazing gift, and that I would be honored if Peej would be Luna's Godmother. I want Luna to know everything Peej did for her when she was ill.
Through all the madness Peej did Energy Work on me as well. It helped me greatly, I felt hopeful, positive and level headed. I felt Life again. My thank you's are not enough for what she gave to me and my family. Luna is a healthy 1 1/2 yr. old, who is adored by her 6 brothers and sisters. I remember in one of my sessions, Peej said she could see Luna running around and throwing herself into the couch..That's what the little booger does today. I believe in Energy Healing, I believe in Peej She is amazing.. Thank You so Much for giving my baby a second chance in
~ Juana L
had tubes put in her lungs to drain the fluid from the pneumonia. The doctor's couldn't contain the bacteria around her lungs & heart. Luna had an IV in both hands and feet, also one going to her heart, over 10 medications, and a machine to help her breathe. She was resuscitated 3 times, because she stopped breathing. All this happened in a weeks time. All this medication was doing nothing for her.
The doctors gave Luna a slim chance for survival. I called a Pastor and family to come pray for our little baby Luna, telling them she might not make it. After everyone left my husband pulled me aside and said he called Peej. He informed me she is an Energy Healer and said she can help Luna. I'm familiar with Energy Healing, but didn't think it would help with Luna's situation. That day Peej came to the hospital and the moment I saw her, I felt her positive energy. I knew it was her, cause I haven't felt positive in months. Peej and I talked for awhile, she did some energy work on me first. She aligned my chakra's, and just made me feel warm and hopeful. Peej then went to see Luna. She informed me Luna's aurora is a light Purple, which means she's fighting, but weak. Peej also informed me that something is going on with Luna's bladder or something in that area, and her chest is just "Full" of dark stuff. Peej needed to see Luna for 3 days in person for optimum healing, and also, I need to visualize angels and her guardians around Luna at all times. Peej will also work-in some distant healing.
After Peej left, I asked Luna's nurse to check the baby's urine or her catheter to see if everything was okay. Sure enough her catheter was out. Peej was right!! The second day Peej was trying to clear Luna's chest. She would put her hands over Luna's lungs like she was scooping stuff out of her chest. Peej told Luna to cough, and sure enough she did, she told her to cough again, and she did. I was amazed, considering the whole time Luna has just been lying there doing nothing for 2 weeks. The doctors took x-rays of Luna's chest everyday, and everyday it was nothing but bad news. Until the third day Peej came in. I really don't know what day it was, but it was the third day Peej came to see Luna. Peej said Luna's aura was looking good and could feel her healing already. Peej cleared Luna's chest with the scooping motion, and informed me Luna's left side is more "full" than the right side. That night of routine x-rays, the nurse said the same thing Peej told me. That Luna's left side of the chest was full of bacteria. I really wasn't shock to hear the news, since I already heard it from Peej.
During the third day of Energy Healing, Peej said to "expect major changes in a couple of days," "Positive changes". That day after Peej's third session with Luna, she told me she'll come once a week for some follow-up work, but told me to still visualize Luna's Angels and surround her in a bubble of white light in my minds eye. Two days later, the doctor's moved Luna to another unit, (changes are happening), and lowered her breathing machine, because Luna was trying to breathe on her own. I called Peej all excited!! She was right..again. Peej still dong distant work on Luna, and she is slowly improving. After 3 days of distant healing, 5 medications were stopped, breathing machine to 20%, x-rays show improvement, and my Baby opens her eyes after a month. Now I could say I really seen an Angel. I saw it in Luna's eyes.Peej came in that week. I didn't know what to say. Words can not explain what my heart was feeling toward her. It took Peej's wonderful Energy Healing and Luna's guardian Angels to help with her illness. One week later, with one "in-person" session and some distant healing, there were no more breathing machines, just one IV and 2 medications. Amazing, Peej is Amazing! The following week, Luna was ready to come home. Doctors were amazed on Luna's recovery. They would come to see her, and just shake there heads and say "she's a fighter". I didn't tell them Luna had help, it might hurt their ego. The doctors were giving up on my Baby, but not Peej. I invited Peej to Luna's hospital release, I wanted Peej to see the Baby she helped heal with her amazing gift, and that I would be honored if Peej would be Luna's Godmother. I want Luna to know everything Peej did for her when she was ill.
Through all the madness Peej did Energy Work on me as well. It helped me greatly, I felt hopeful, positive and level headed. I felt Life again. My thank you's are not enough for what she gave to me and my family. Luna is a healthy 1 1/2 yr. old, who is adored by her 6 brothers and sisters. I remember in one of my sessions, Peej said she could see Luna running around and throwing herself into the couch..That's what the little booger does today. I believe in Energy Healing, I believe in Peej She is amazing.. Thank You so Much for giving my baby a second chance in
~ Juana L
"Oh my goodness, I wanted to share with all that last summer (2011) I went to a Holistic Fair in San Jose with a friend, and I was walking around looking and feeling at all there was to offer, when I walked by Peej I could feel my inner voice speak to me, and I asked Peej if she could do a Chakra Healing on me, as I could feel that I was not in alignment. Peej of course said sure, in her sweet and cheerful self, just sit down and I will align your Chakra's, well it worked after that I felt so grounded and focused all I wanted to do was just smile I felt so grounded I was just humming for days..... Peej also volunteered, that the angelic beings that were coming through her said that if I keep on my path that very soon I would be doing the same thing as she was and that I was almost there. This was actually a short reading, but Peej didn't even charge me for it, she said she just had to tell me, because the Angelic beings were telling her to.
I also took a very Dear Friend who was having some difficulty with losing his Father and his Dog of 14 years, he was having a hard time with his grieving and was starting to fall into a pretty deep depression So I treated him to a reading from Peej, at her office, and she helped to shed a light on him and helped in raising his energy frequency. I want to thank you so much Peej from the bottom of my heart, for sharing and spreading all that beautiful love, light energy.....You are a truly a gift to all......Love ya, and thank you,"
~ Jeanette
I also took a very Dear Friend who was having some difficulty with losing his Father and his Dog of 14 years, he was having a hard time with his grieving and was starting to fall into a pretty deep depression So I treated him to a reading from Peej, at her office, and she helped to shed a light on him and helped in raising his energy frequency. I want to thank you so much Peej from the bottom of my heart, for sharing and spreading all that beautiful love, light energy.....You are a truly a gift to all......Love ya, and thank you,"
~ Jeanette
"I had a wonderful reading with Peej, yesterday. She really helped make my Valentine's Day special. She was clear, accurate, and concise. She was able to connect with my grandfather. She described him and his personality. He had a message for me that warmed my heart. She was also able to give me perspective on a current issue in my life so that I could find my way of working through it without being so hard on myself. Peej is warm, friendly, and caring. She is also honest and will not tell you something she is not getting from the Spirit world. Give her a call, you will not be disappointed."
~ Leanne T.
~ Leanne T.
"I have had the pleasure of having had two reading with Peej so far. Each time I was very impressed at how accurately she was able to zero in on the main issue for me without hearing even a word of discussion about my issues or questions. Then through the reading, the messages that come bring such relief, insight and understanding. The messages have a "complete" feeling about them too because Peej makes no attempt to sugar-coat the messages that are coming through; whenever there were things I needed to look at, she would let me know gently, but firmly!
Prior to my first reading with her, I had started having experiences with one of my spirit guides (this was very new for me) and some of the messages I'd received from this guide seemed a bit unbelievable --just too good to be true. When I sat with Peej to begin my session, without my mentioning any of this, Peej gave me a message early in the session; she said that it seemed I was unsure or sometimes doubtful about my recent experiences with my guides; and she said that the strong message was: there is no need to doubt these experiences; they are not just my imagination! I could feel the presence of this guide in Peej as she was delivering this message and could feel its authenticity. It was such a reassurance and helped me trust so much more. She gave me a lot more information about my guide during this session; many of the points I had already come to know before (but no one else could have known!).
There were also new points that helped me understand this new relationship with my guide even better. I felt very happy and inspired when the session was over! My second session with Peej was conducted over the phone. She followed the same procedure over the phone. She followed the same procedure on the phone as she did for the in-person reading. Once again, she immediately picked up on my man issue at the moment; in this case, it was about a relationship. She explained clearly (without any input from me) what the issue was and started shedding light on it. In this situation, I was having to make a decision regarding two very different relationships in my life. Peej helped me see much more clearly what was at stake, what a commitment to either person would really feel like, how they feel about me, and many other points. That reading brought an amazing amount of clarity into the situation; I am finally able to see what I want and what would be best for everyone involved, and I see how to move in this direction in a graceful way that makes everyone happy! I have been able to relax about the whole situation for the first time in months! Thank you Peej!"
~ Paul
Prior to my first reading with her, I had started having experiences with one of my spirit guides (this was very new for me) and some of the messages I'd received from this guide seemed a bit unbelievable --just too good to be true. When I sat with Peej to begin my session, without my mentioning any of this, Peej gave me a message early in the session; she said that it seemed I was unsure or sometimes doubtful about my recent experiences with my guides; and she said that the strong message was: there is no need to doubt these experiences; they are not just my imagination! I could feel the presence of this guide in Peej as she was delivering this message and could feel its authenticity. It was such a reassurance and helped me trust so much more. She gave me a lot more information about my guide during this session; many of the points I had already come to know before (but no one else could have known!).
There were also new points that helped me understand this new relationship with my guide even better. I felt very happy and inspired when the session was over! My second session with Peej was conducted over the phone. She followed the same procedure over the phone. She followed the same procedure on the phone as she did for the in-person reading. Once again, she immediately picked up on my man issue at the moment; in this case, it was about a relationship. She explained clearly (without any input from me) what the issue was and started shedding light on it. In this situation, I was having to make a decision regarding two very different relationships in my life. Peej helped me see much more clearly what was at stake, what a commitment to either person would really feel like, how they feel about me, and many other points. That reading brought an amazing amount of clarity into the situation; I am finally able to see what I want and what would be best for everyone involved, and I see how to move in this direction in a graceful way that makes everyone happy! I have been able to relax about the whole situation for the first time in months! Thank you Peej!"
~ Paul
"I met Peej after moving to California in 2010. I was out and about checking out new places when I came across her at a psychic fair at a bookstore. I intuitively chose her and now so much time has passed between then and now that all I can remember is that I was attracted to her vibe. She works a little differently than other intuitives I have seen, but is by far one of the best. “One of the best” to me means that she is exceptionally genuine and kind, personable and authentic, generous with her time and talent, as well as being particularly gifted.
She and I have worked together in many capacities over the two years I have known her. She has cleared and protected my personal living space, she has balanced my chakras and energy field and she has been a medium for a wealth of information from the spirit world. That information (and all of her work for that matter) is grounded and practical, not psychic fluff in any way shape or form. She is a guide in the highest form of that word. I have always been satisfied with how and what she (and her guides) shares with me. It has helped me get confirmation at times and think more clearly at others. These are the reasons I will continue to choose Peej to be a guide of mine.
~ Rebecca T.
She and I have worked together in many capacities over the two years I have known her. She has cleared and protected my personal living space, she has balanced my chakras and energy field and she has been a medium for a wealth of information from the spirit world. That information (and all of her work for that matter) is grounded and practical, not psychic fluff in any way shape or form. She is a guide in the highest form of that word. I have always been satisfied with how and what she (and her guides) shares with me. It has helped me get confirmation at times and think more clearly at others. These are the reasons I will continue to choose Peej to be a guide of mine.
~ Rebecca T.
"I have been working with Peej for two years now and still I am amazed at how spot-on her readings are. Unlike many readers, Peej has the ability to channel exactly what you need to hear without asking any questions or saying a word. It may not always be what you want to hear, but you can rest assured knowing it's what you need to hear (the truth) - good or bad. In addition to being a gifted reader, Peej is the only channeler I know who integrates energy work into all of her readings. By the time your session is finished, you leave feeling lighter, centered, and more relaxed - the way you should feel. In fact, Peej is so dedicated to her work that even if my session's time runs out and she still has messages for me, she will continue to deliver them. She is pure love and light, and I can honestly say I have never met a reader quite as generous, trustworthy, and caring as Peej."
~ Margaret M.
~ Margaret M.
"Peej has done energy work on me and was able to help me relieve the stress I was feeling. I have had a few sessions with her and a couple of years ago Peej did a reading for me. I was amazed at the accuracy and that she knew exactly what was going on in my life. At that time I was having a lot of car problems - which Peej had no idea about, and she said that I would get a new car, a new car to me, and that it would be red. A month and a half later, my parents gave me a car and it was red! It wasn't until a few months later did I realize that Peej predicted I would be driving a red car!
I had a friend that passed away very suddenly and Peej was able to connect to his energy and identify that he was a drug user without me divulging any information. Peej helped me understand why he passed away at such a young age and helped me feel better about his passing and have closure. I will be receiving more readings from Peej in the future!"
~ Lindsay S.
I had a friend that passed away very suddenly and Peej was able to connect to his energy and identify that he was a drug user without me divulging any information. Peej helped me understand why he passed away at such a young age and helped me feel better about his passing and have closure. I will be receiving more readings from Peej in the future!"
~ Lindsay S.
"I have had many, many readings with Peej & the messages she has for me have always been insightful & so helpful in pointing me in the right direction. Her future predictions are not only insightful, but they always surprise me with their accuracy! I really trust her connection to Spirit & I feel very fortunate to know that we will continue to work together for a long time to come.”
~ Kelly M.
~ Kelly M.
"When Peej read for me recently I was amazed at all the validating information that came through. She hit personal things head on!! It was almost like she was with me every step of the way. She is an amazing reader, Everything that came through in my reading with Peej helped me understand and validate what's going on in my life. I would highly recommend Peej for anyone who needs a clear sense of knowing anything in any part of your life's journey. She is an amazing spiritual conduit!!! "
~ Mary S.
~ Mary S.
"I have to say that I've had several readings with Peej and she has been able to help me with advice from my Angels and Guides. The readings have been eye opening, humbling, and exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. Thanks Peej!"
~ Rudy Z.
~ Rudy Z.
"Peej has been an absolute blessing in my life!! I have had numerous readings with her and each time she has provided me with loving guidance, understanding, clarity and wisdom – always perfect for the moment. Her readings are amazingly accurate and her passion for helping others is unquestionable! In fact, her strong intuition has been a life saver when I found myself in a couple of risky situations. For example, this past summer I rented a room from a landlord who was into voyeurism and obscenities. I cannot even imagine what could have happened had I stayed in those situations!! Peej is a clear channel that I would definitely recommend to all!!"
~ Megan
~ Megan
"Hi Peej you are amazing! I'm not sure if you remember me, but I came to get a reading with my cousin Cindy. You told me that I had problems with my insides before the Doctors even knew! You said you felt something in my kidneys and if I wasn't aware of it yet, you just wanted me to know you seen it coming. It has been about six months and I have since been to the Doctor and my kidney and liver were bad. You knew! and luckily, the problem was corrected. You told me some other private stuff and just wanted to let you know you were very accurate. I think I should consult you, if I have any concerns from Now on!!! Thank you very much!"
~ Brenda
~ Brenda
"Hi Peej, I don't know if you remember me, but we met at the Holistic Living Expo; a little more than a year ago, I believe. You told me we would meet again in the future and that I have much potential as a psychic-medium. That really touched me, and I hope to have another reading from you in the near future. After having my chakras aligned I felt better than I ever have and I want to thank you for all you do. I am slowly coming into some money, so soon I will be contacting you about a reading. I wish you the best of luck with everything and I hope to see you soon! Thank you."
~ Kandice
~ Kandice
"I want to be clear in saying that I have been a seeker of spiritual guidance for many years. I will say that when I seek, I usually find a teacher or a guide who does give me something positive to help me. But sometimes, I feel that my problems are so complex that it is difficult for me to sort it out. And sometimes I do not believe that the guidance I get is from the right source. So when I saw Peej’s ad that said, don’t worry about the questions, just come and I will know what to do, it was a bold declaration and one that caught my eye and heart. I was so tired of trying to figure it out with all the emotional issues that keep sending me in circles. I wanted someone who communicates with the vibrations and knowledge of ‘source’ and is able to translate for me the messages, answers, directions that I cannot or do not get myself.
In other words, I want an expert in the field. The moment I heard her voice, I was compelled to listen and contemplate what she was saying to me. In a very short time, she has been able to understand my issues without explanation. She is direct and commanding—so if you don’t want to change, please do not take her time. She expects me to “do” what she asks me to do and believe when I may not want to believe. I know that with her help, I will finally find my way out of the maze of my life experience and into the joy and peace I claim and seek. I am comforted that my guides have sent her to me. She is the real deal. Do not hesitate to seek her advice—she is truly gifted."
~ Carol B.
In other words, I want an expert in the field. The moment I heard her voice, I was compelled to listen and contemplate what she was saying to me. In a very short time, she has been able to understand my issues without explanation. She is direct and commanding—so if you don’t want to change, please do not take her time. She expects me to “do” what she asks me to do and believe when I may not want to believe. I know that with her help, I will finally find my way out of the maze of my life experience and into the joy and peace I claim and seek. I am comforted that my guides have sent her to me. She is the real deal. Do not hesitate to seek her advice—she is truly gifted."
~ Carol B.
"I have had the opportunity to be read by several psychics and of the many experiences that I have had, a lot of the readers have told me a lot of BS. Peej's methods are down to earth and do not include any crystal balls or kooka rotcha makers etc.
In my experience it is rare to cross paths with someone with the talents and abilities to give you true and correct information. The main thing I want to say about Peej, that makes her stand out, is she does not do any fishing around, she does all of the talking and has a true gift of connecting to Spirit, and without ego. She has amazing accuracy and is able to describe things clearly instead of using generalizations that people can make fit into their lives. She connected with one of my family members that had passed, and was able to describe her and give me very specific details, that no one would know. She told me that this family member was showing her a heart shaped object. I knew exactly what that meant. It was a locket with her picture in it, but when I had taken it off somehow it got misplaced.
When I shared with her what she was talking about and that I'd searched high and low for this locket. Peej told me that she was showing her a drawer. Sure enough I started my search immediately and found it in a desk drawer with a bench of odds and ends. I found it the next day after, after it had been gone missing for two months.
When we finished this session we walked out, and as I went to reach for my car door, I looked down and there was a little red plastic heart on the ground. I know that this wasn't a coincidence! That was a clear message from her and my Angels.
I tend to be that person that doesn't believe things, I have to be shown. So my best advice would be schedule a session with her, and find out for yourself. I truly believe she has many gifts!"
~ Julie
In my experience it is rare to cross paths with someone with the talents and abilities to give you true and correct information. The main thing I want to say about Peej, that makes her stand out, is she does not do any fishing around, she does all of the talking and has a true gift of connecting to Spirit, and without ego. She has amazing accuracy and is able to describe things clearly instead of using generalizations that people can make fit into their lives. She connected with one of my family members that had passed, and was able to describe her and give me very specific details, that no one would know. She told me that this family member was showing her a heart shaped object. I knew exactly what that meant. It was a locket with her picture in it, but when I had taken it off somehow it got misplaced.
When I shared with her what she was talking about and that I'd searched high and low for this locket. Peej told me that she was showing her a drawer. Sure enough I started my search immediately and found it in a desk drawer with a bench of odds and ends. I found it the next day after, after it had been gone missing for two months.
When we finished this session we walked out, and as I went to reach for my car door, I looked down and there was a little red plastic heart on the ground. I know that this wasn't a coincidence! That was a clear message from her and my Angels.
I tend to be that person that doesn't believe things, I have to be shown. So my best advice would be schedule a session with her, and find out for yourself. I truly believe she has many gifts!"
~ Julie